Sunday 21 October 2012

16th October 2012- Concept Art

Environment Concept Art

This is a piece by Jae-Cheol Park

Like: I really like the fact that it’s set at night as it makes the lights from the foliage stand out. I also like the use of colour, as the red contrasts with the blue and green.
Nature is the main theme; the rest of the environment seems to be built up around the tree, so that the main focus is still on the tree. 

Improvements: I think that possibly the main tree could be more detailed and possibly taken from a different perspective as the main the drawing is symmetrical which makes it appear unbalanced. 

This is a piece by a different artist and it shows the city of Atlantis. I like the underwater environment and the strong use of a predominant blue colour palette.  

This is another piece by a different artist which shows a Chinese street. I really like the atmosphere which has been created using darker colours such as grey and the contrast with the lights which isolates and enhances certain areas of the image. Although the artwork is dark the main focus culture of the image has been established by the small shelter which is in traditional chinese colours (red and gold) and the signs. 

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