Sunday 21 October 2012

Tuesday 25th September- Sketches

To start off with we learnt the basics of drawing by doing various tasks, this was also to establish what level of drawing that we already had. 
We were given a picture of Martin Clune and told to copy it using anything from a 2B to a 6B pencil: 

I found drawing a corner of the room particularly difficult as the perspective which i was viewing it from was relatively difficult to portray in the sketch: 

To get an idea of the sort of techniques which are used in drawing we looked at 4 artists paintings and copied their mark making techniques into boxes. The artists we looked at were Matisse, Van Gogh, Delacroix and Ben Shahn: 

We copied a picture which forms a face and went over line which we drew whilst thinking about which part we were drawing, we then had to mirror the image. The purpose of the activity was too see drawings as simple shapes as opposed to trying to over complicate what's there: 

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