Monday 26 November 2012

Character Evaluation LO5

Although i have chosen to do a different type of character, there are some similarities and differences between my work and my artists.


The artistic style is one of the things which i attempted to keep similar to my influence concept piece. I have attempted to blend in the armour like the piece which i used for inspiration. It has an element of realism to it but there's also a cartoon/anime style as well so ive only taken so of the style and then mixed it with another to create a more unique piece. 

As i traced over the image to get the proportions correct for my own concept the stance of the character is exactly the same, it gave me a lot to work with although it was more challenging attempting to put a different type of outfit on my character. 

The eyes are very bright and contrast with the rest of the piece as they're a completely different colour, the eyes which i have created also contrast well as the use of bright blue and purple on green makes them more noticeable, however this is also different to my inspirational piece as they're similar colours as the skin colour. 


Where as the inspiration piece is very dark and uses mainly black and red to give the character a piercing look, my character is more colourful as i have used a colour palette of blue, green, gold, white and grey. I did this because i based my character on a lizard and they have very bright, bold colours within their skin pigmentation. 

The armour has aspects of it which are similar such as the shoulder plate armour however predominantly it is a completely different look altogether. With the outfit i created i wanted to give the character an Egyptian style hence why i used golds and whites and gave her a slit skirt. 


I like the artists image because it mixes both fantasy and a dark horror theme together which works well with creating an effective character piece. 
I like the use gold and silver for my armour in my piece as the colours work very well together in making the distinct style of the armour stand out. 


I dislike the cartoon/ anime style which comes through in my piece and the block of colours. 

What i'd do differently: 

If i was to do this piece again i would of used a wider variety of colours to create a more realistic piece and perhaps looked more into skin textures and shading as i really wanted to put creases and lighting on the outfit but i wasn't sure how to create this effect. 

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