Monday 26 November 2012

Environment evaluation LO5

From comparing my concept art and my inspiration for it i can see that there are clear differences and similarities between the two: 


The image i have used as a reference is very symmetrical which does take some of the realism away from it, so i decided to make mine less symmetrical by drawing it from a different perspective. 

Jae-Cheol Park has a larger colour palette, as he has used blues, purples, greens, reds and pinks where as in contrast mine is a lot more desaturated, as i have only used colours such as white, black, grey, orange and red. However given the chance i would like to add more colour to my piece. 

Jae-Cheol Park's piece has a greater depth to it as he has created his piece to give the impression that it is further away, this can be seen by the person which is standing near the tree, in comparison they're significantly smaller. Where as i have less depth in my concept as my silhouette is closer to the foreground and of a larger scale, i took this perspective because i unlike Jae-Cheol Park's concept my main focal point doesn't revolve around a large object (such as the tree in his), but rather the lanterns and the character. 

His has a lot more of a softer artistic style used to portray his vision making it appear more light a happy fantasy world setting, where as mine is a lot darker with the shapes being more defined, such as the trees which are a lot sharper, making mine look more like a dark fantasy world with more danger. 


I have used a similar technique to Jae-Cheol Park as he uses warm bright colours to contrast with the cool colours used in the background, therefore making them appear as though they're actually alight. I have done this with the lanterns by using oranges and reds to provide a realistic effect but also to give the impression that the picture has a slight oriental feel to it. 

Both of the pieces have very similar settings as they're both forests, as signified by the foliage in the surroundings. 


I like the depth which the artist has given to his picture and the very wide range of colours which he has used. On my piece of work i like the light effect which i have produced with the lanterns as they look very realistic and provide a warm lighting in a cold environment. 


In my piece i dislike the anime/cartoon style which seems to be mixed with the realistic style which i intended. However i do feel that this style has become my own and therefore makes it very different from my reference image. 

What i'd do differently: 

If i was to do this piece again i would definitely add more depth to the piece, perhaps putting more in the background such as trees further away or mountains. I would of liked to add some stars and worked on the bark and snow textures which i feel need further development. 

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