Monday 26 November 2012

Influence For Object Concept Art

Originally i wanted to do an ice throne, this was my initial idea and without having done any sketches. I found this image of a throne from the film Dune. I liked the shape of the back rest because although it gave it a very soft rounded feel it also made it look extravagant. I was going to use the same shape but place ice spikes around the inner circle. However decided to use the same object concept of a throne but chose to make it out of a different material. 

I am going to use this for the base of my throne and trace over the pillow to get the proportions correct. 

 This image is going to be used for the back rest, i am going to trace over this shell to get the shape to look how i want it too. 
I am going to trace over this seahorse and use it either side of the throne to create the arm rests. 

 I was unable to find an example of an artist which actually drew thrones specifically, so i decided to use this as my main reference image as it is a similar concept as to what i am going to do for my final piece. i want to use similar colours, predominantly pink/red for the shell. I like the fact that pearls have been included in this design so i am going to incorporate them into my design. 

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