Monday 26 November 2012

Object Evaluation LO5


One of the similarities between the pieces is that both of them include a cushion to sit on as the main chair and an oyster shell for the backrest. I decided to use these because it was most like the original rounded throne shape which i wanted to go for, but as i was following an underwater theme i decided that the oyster would be the most appropriate for the back. 

Both of them include pearls, the picture has larger pearls sat on it, where as i decided to distribute them differently and on the shell itself as i wanted it too look more fantasy themed and give the shell more decoration to create more of a contrast in the colours. 


There is very little colour used for the main shell as it is mainly white where as with mine i wanted it too look more magical and use a colour which would stand out more on the white background. The pink also worked a lot better in making the pearls stand out where as if i'd used white they would have blended in and as white is a shade there aren't really any different colour tones which i could of used to create the realistic effect for the texture of the shell. As i used pink, i was able to blend in red as well to give it more depth. The picture seems to have used lighting to give the shell more depth, so i have used a different technique to give off a similar effect.  As it is a throne i thought that its more than likely that someone of royalty or a high status would sit in it therefore i picked pink, gold and red for the colour palette as gold and red a well known for being associated with royalty. 

The picture which i have used doesn't actually have any arm rests as it's more of chair as opposed to a throne but i decided to go with the sea theme that i would include arm rests which take the form of seahorses. I decided to do seahorses as they tie in with the underwater theme and a lot of detail could be added to them, also they seemed to fit in with the rest of the throne as they make it appear more extravagant.  The golden colours which i used for the seahorses gave it a more expensive appearance and the contrasted well with the other colours. 

Unlike the image i haven't used the whole oyster shell to create the throne because i wanted to create something more unique and it would have taken a lot of the focus away from the seahorses. 


I like the seahorses, as the details which i put on them make them stand out and i put an emboss effect on them to give them more of a 3D effect which makes them appear to be closer to the foreground. 


I dislike the oyster shell as i think that i could of used more colour on it to make it stand out more as this is meant to be the main focus for the image and the seahorses draw attention from this. 

What i'd do differently: 

If i was to do this again i would dim down the colour of the seahorses so they don't detract attention away from the shell and i would of tried to do it from a different perspective as the face on one which i picked doesn't look as realistic compared to if i was to do it at an angle. 

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